Ayurveda : explained and simplified.
27 December, 2012
Dr.Bhat's Marma Chikitsa In Ayurveda: Ilio Tibial Band Syndrome - Marma chikitsa and Sth...
Dr.Bhat's Marma Chikitsa In Ayurveda: Ilio Tibial Band Syndrome - Marma chikitsa and Sth...: Ilio Tibial Band Syndrome - Marma chiktsa and Sthanika vasti Name: Mr.S.K Age: 36 yrs Sex: Male Occupation: Auto driver (Goo...
Dr.Bhat's Marma Chikitsa In Ayurveda: Role of posture in the manifestation of Occipital ...
Dr.Bhat's Marma Chikitsa In Ayurveda: Role of posture in the manifestation of Occipital ...: This clinical case is about evaluation of the effect of incorrect posture causing certain distress in the neck & head region , portrayin...
Dr.Bhat's Marma Chikitsa In Ayurveda: Animated explanation of Kurpara sandhi manipulatio...
Dr.Bhat's Marma Chikitsa In Ayurveda: Animated explanation of Kurpara sandhi manipulatio...: Anatomy Of Kurpara Sandhi or Elbow Joint Medical conditions involving pain in the region of Elbow :- Tennis elbow/ lat...
30 June, 2011
Calcaneal Spur (குதிமுள்) - ஆயுர்வேதத்தில் இதற்கு தீர்வு உண்டா?
Calcaneal Spur என்றால் என்ன ?
குதி கால் எலும்பின் உள் (Calcaneum bone) இருந்து ஒரு கூரிய முள் போன்ற (அ) மொக்கையான பாகம் முளை விடும்.
இந்த முளையினையே குதி முள் (அ) Calcaneal spur என ஆங்கிலத்தில் அழைப்பர்.
எலும்பிலிருந்து முளை விடும் இந்த குதிமுள்ளானது அதன் அடியிலோ, பக்க வாட்டிலோ உள்ள ஜவ்வுகள்(ligaments) , தசை நாண்கள் (tendons), நரம்புகள் (nerves) பன்ற மென்திசுக்களை உராய்கையிலோ,அழுத்துகையிலோ அவ்விடத்தில் வலியினை உண்டாக்குகின்றது.
குதி முள் தோன்ற காரணம் என்ன ?
குதிமுள்ளானது, நமது உடலில் ஏற்படும் பழுதினை இயற்கையாக சீரமைக்கையில தோன்றுகின்றது. இறைவன், தேய்மானம் ஏற்படும் எலும்பின் பகுதியில் அதை சீரமைக்க புத்தம் புதிய எழும்பு திசுக்களை "எழும்பு விளைவி"(Osteophytes) மூலமாக ஈடேற்றுகிறார். அவ்வாறு தோன்றும் புதிய திசுக்கள் ஒன்றோடு ஒன்று பிணைந்து முளை போன்ற முள்ளின் தோற்றத்தை ஏற்படுத்துகின்றது.
பலவந்தமாக மற்றும் அயர்ச்சி தரக்கூடிய செய்கைகளான நடனம், ஓடுதல் போன்ற காரணிகளால் பின்னங்குதிகால் தசை நாற் பட்டையானது (Plantar fascia) இறுக்கம் பெற்று, தான் ஒட்டிகொண்டிருக்கும் குடி கால் எழும்பின் மீது அழுத்தம் ஏற்படுத்தி, அவ்விடத்தில் முள் உண்டாக காரணியாகின்றது. மற்றும் அதிக உடல் எடை, காலின் அளவை விட சிறிய மூடு காலணிகளை (shoes) அணிதல் போன்றவற்றாலும் மேற்கூறிய அழுத்தம் குடி எலும்பின் மேல் உண்டாக வாய்ப்புகள் உள்ளது.
உதாரணத்திற்கு, ஓட்டம்; நடனம் போன்ற காரணிகளால், பாதத்தின் நீண்ட
தசை நாற் பட்டையாகிய, பின்னங்குதிகால் தசை நாற் பட்டை (Plantar fascia)அழுத்தம் பெற்று, குதி காலின் மேல் அதன் தாக்கத்தை ஏற்படுத்தி அத்தசை நாற் பட்டை வீக்கம்முறச் செய்கிறது (Plantar fascitis). மேற்சொன்ன வீக்கத்தை தாக்கு பிடிக்க வேண்டி, எலும்பும் அதற்கேற்றார் போல் தன்னை செதுக்க முற்படுவதால், அவ்விடத்தில் முள் தோன்றுகிறது.
இறுக்கமான மூடு காலணிகளை (shoes) அணிவதால் பின்னங்காலில் முள்(back of the heel) தோன்றுகிறது.
நோயின் குறிகள் :-
* குதி கால் வீக்கம்
* கிழித்தல் போன்ற அதி தீவிரமான வலி
* காலை ஊன்றுவதில் சிரமம்
* சிறிது ஹூரம் நடந்து சென்ற பின், வலியில் தொய்வு .
* சிற் சில அல்லது பற்பல சமயங்களில் வலியானது குதிகாலில் இருந்து மேல்நோக்கி கணுக்கால் மற்றும் கண்டஞ்சதை வரையில் ஏற்முகமாக இருக்கப் பெறலாம்.
* சிற் சில அல்லது பற்பல சமயங்களில் வீக்கமானது குதிகாலில் இருந்து மேல்நோக்கி கணுக்கால்வரையில் பரவலாம் ..
* சிலரில் வலியில் இருந்து பேண, குதி முள்ளின் அடியில் திசுக்கள் கூடி மெத்தை போன்ற ஒரு அமைப்பை ஏற்படுத்த முயலலாம். நாளடைவில் அத்திசுக்களே காலில் ஆணியை ஏற்படுத்தவும் வாய்ப்புள்ளது ..!
இந்நோயை எங்ஙனம் பகுப்பாய்வது (அ) அறிவது ?
ஊடு கதிர் நிழற்படம் (X-Ray) வாயிலாக குதி முள் இடம் பெற்று இருப்பதை உறுதி செய்துகொள்ளமுடியும் . காண்க கீழுள்ள படம் ..
ஆயுர்வேதத்தில் இதற்கு தீர்வு உண்டா?
மேற்கூறிய விளக்கங்கள் யாவும் பரங்கி மருத்துவமாகிய நவீன மருத்துவம் சார்ந்தவையாக இருப்பினும், ஆயுவேடத்தில் இவ்வியாதியை "வாத கண்ட்டகம்" என்று பல்லாயிரம் ஆண்டுகள்ளுக்கு முன்பே சொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளது.
ஆயுர்வேதத்தில் வலி உள்ள மக்களில் வலி நிவாரணி என்று கொடுப்பது வழக்கமில்லை.
"நோய் நாடி நோய் முதல் நாடி அது தணிக்கும்
வாய் நாடி வாய்ப்பச் செயல்" எனும் வள்ளுவரின் கூற்றிற்கு இணங்க, எமது மருத்துவ எண்ணக்கரு அல்லது கருத்து ஆய்வுகளின் படி ''வாத தோடத்தின்'' இயற்கையான் இருப்பிடமான எலும்பில் வீறுகொண்டும்; சூறாவளி போல் சீறுகொண்டும் அவ்விடத்தே எலும்பின் இயல்பான தோற்றத்தில் பதிப்பை உண்டாக்கும் அந்த வீறுகொண்ட வாத தோஷத்தினை, அடக்கி ஆளுகின்ற தன்மையுள்ள மூலிகைகளை கொண்டு தயாரிக்கப்பட்ட கஷாயம்; மாத்திரை உண்டானவற்றை கொண்டு துயரம் தரக்கூடிய குதிகால் வலியிலிருந்து விடுதலை பெற ஆவன செய்கின்றோம்.
குல்குலு ,
வாட நாராயணி இலை,
முடக்கத்தான் போன்றவை சில வகையான தேக பிரக்ருதி உடையோரில் பலன் தரும்.
எருக்கன் இலையை, சூடு செய்த செங்கல்லின்செங்கல்லின் மீது வைத்து, அதன் மேல் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட குதி காலினை வைக்க, தற்காலிகமாக வேதனையில் இருந்து தப்பலாம் .
எங்களது மருத்துவகூடத்தில், இவ்வகை குதிகால் வலியுள்ளவர்க்கு, பிரத்யேகமான சிகிச்சை செய்கின்றோம். அதாவது , பாதிக்கப்பட்ட குதி காலின் மீது ஒரு சிறிய பாத்தி போன்று உளுந்து மாவினால் கட்டி, அடஹ்ன் நடுவில், எண்ணையை ஊற்றி, பின்னர் குறிப்பிட்ட பதத்தில், வலியின் தன்மைக்கு எற்றவாறு, சூடு எண்ணையினை அதன் மேல் ஊற்றி, குதி கால் வலி மற்றும் வீக்கத்தினை, விரைவில் கட்டுக்குள் கொண்டு வருகின்றோம். மேற்கூறிய சீரிய முறையினால் பலன் அடைந்தோர் பலர்.
வாழ்க வையகம் ..
அனைவரும் நோயற்று வாழியவே ...
சென்னை, மயிலாப்பூர்.
நேர்முக மருத்துவ ஆலோசனைக்கு,
நடை பேசி : 9841218802 (முன் நியமனம் பெற )
மின்னஞ்சல் :-drrangaprasadbhat@gmail.com
31 January, 2011
Vrikshayurveda of Acharya Surapala - A boon to the Ayurveda & Horticulture
Vrikshayurveda - Surapala
The treatise Vrikshayurveda indeed is a master piece in itself, and certainly each and every Ayurveda physician, Horticulturists should be proud of possessing one.
The availability of book can be checked with this link ...http://bit.ly/hUED33, whose paper edition is priced at INR 350/-
The Vrkshayurveda also deals in detail regarding the following concepts.,.,
- How to procure a plant
- Construction of pit on earth for sapling
- Nature of soil and it's relation with plants
- Natural form of fertilzers, watering method,
- lay out of the garden based on vastu principles etc.
For better understanding of the books utmost important usage the following foot notes with the authentic verse numbers will be appropriate to view :
48-49. Jambu, champaka, punnaga, nagakesara, tamarind, kapittha, badari, bilva, kumbhakari, priyangu, panasa, amra, madhuka, karamarda, etc. grow from seeds. Tambuli, sinduvara, tagara, etc. grow from stalks.
50. Patala, dadimi, plaksa, karavira, vata, mallika, udumbara kunda, etc. grow from seeds as well as from stalks.
72. Large seeds should be sown singly but smaller ones should be sown in multiples. The seed of naranga should be sown in a slanting position with hand.
76. The stalk should be eighteen angula, not too tender nor too hard. Half of it should be smeared with plenty of cow dung and then (it) should be planted with three-fourth part in the pit and should be sprinkled with water mixed with soft sandy mud.
78. When they are covered with leaves they should be uprooted and transplanted wherever desired in the month of Asadha (beginning of rains).
The other excerpts, stated below, depicts Achaya Suraphala's observation and efficacy in treating the diseased plants, viz.,
191. When watered by the decoction of milk, honey, yastimadhu, and madhuka, trees suffering from pitta type of diseases get cured.
195. The worms accumulated on trees can be treated quickly by smoking the tree with the mixture of white mustard, ramatha, vidanga, vaca, usana, and water mixed with beef, horn of a buffalo, flesh of a pigeon, and the powder of bhillata (bhallataka ?)
197. Creepers eaten away by insects should be sprinkled with water mixed with oil cake. The insects on the leaves can be destroyed by sprinkling the powder of ashes and brick-dust.200-201. The broken trees should be smeared with the paste of the bark of plaksa and udumbara mixed with ghee, honey, wine, and milk and the broken parts should be firmly tied together with the rope of a rice stalk. Fresh soil should then be filled in the basin around the trees, sprinkled immediately with the milk of buffalo and flooded with water. Thus they recover.
239. The white flowers of a tree turn into a golden colour if the tree is watered with the mixture of turmeric powder, kimsuka, cotton seed, manjista, and lodhra.
246. Plantain trees create wonder by producing pomegranate fruits if fed by water mixed with the urine of a hog and ankolha.
253. A tamarind plant is grown into an excellent creeper if fed with water, mixed with the powder of triphala.
The contents of the book, is hereby presented with the images which I tried to create through PPT.
Last but not the least, it may elude one's mind whether the above concepts of horticulture explained in Vrikshayurveda is fruitful or not. It indeed is fruitful one, so was the observation of the members of CIKS.The excerpt of which is given below.
The Center of Indian Knowledge Systems (CIKS) has worked for several years experimented and analysed, that using the ancient techniques mentioned in the treatise of Surapala, the Vrkshayurveda, has the capacity to revitalise the present day agriculture.
In this link certain examples of how they treated the leaf webber disease with the nimba and karanja oil associated with fumigation of daruharidra and vidanga; like wise also explains how they treated the a tree of Custard apple with the help of the fertilzer recipe told in vrkshayurveda and helped the tree grow the fruits, which was not able to do previously. vide link -http://www.compasnet.org/afbeeldingen/Magazines/CM4/cm4_12.PDF
26 October, 2010
Proper Usage of Investigation at proper time is what is the need of the hour for an Ayurveda Physician. दिल से ले !
The case which I recently handled (from 14.sep.2010) is quite interesting,a one.
She was suffering from अति प्रवृत्ति (excessive Bleeding) during menses associated with mild abdominal colic in the hypogastric region and mild cramps in the gastrocnemius muscle with mild burning sensation along with mild back ache & leucorrhoea.
Negative history of frequent micturition;blood clots; were obtained.
L.M.P -> 25.aug.2010;
M.C -> 7days/10 - 20 days ;
O/E the Rt and Lt. Iliac was non-tenderful ; hypogastric area (http://bit.ly/9KqGS5) -> 2+ tenderful; P.V.Exmn - not done
Her, जिह्वा (Tongue) -->; अनुपलेपिता (Not coated) ; निराम (devoid of ama stage in digestion)
नाड़ी (Pulse) was revealing कफवृता पित्त (विकृत ) (Pathologically revealing Kaphavrta-Vata) & वातपित्त (प्राकृत ) (By constitution it is Vatapittaja).
क्षुधा (Appetite) -> good
मूत्र -> प्राकृत (Urine_normal)
मल -> अकस्मात् विबंधिता , otherwise प्राकृत (Bowels- Occasionally constipated)
स्वेदा - क्षणै: अल्प, क्षणै: अतिप्रवृत्ति since the last 3 months.
औषधि (Medicines) adviced - (सुकुमार कषायं + अशोकरिस्ट + गुग्गुलुतिक्त कषायं at empty stomach; bds) & (शतावरी गुलं - after food; bds).
There was of course a response, but gradual in nature.
The heavy bleeding stopped when she came for her second sitting which was scheduled at 29th of sep 2010, but persisted as spotting.
I got confused since, I was expecting more amount of clots to be expelled out of the system,considering the presence of some fibroids, but which was not the reality.
The bleeding was thin and she had dysmennorrhoea too. The client's age was just at menopausal stage,49 years.
Bemused on not getting the expected result, I advised her Abd.USG,which she took at the Ramakrishna Mutt's charitable Dispensary (Lab attached) at Mylapore, at an affordable cost, and found the COPPER-T, insitu embedded deep inside the endometrium.
How in earth that was possible to get embedded over there, instead of being in the appropriate place where it has to be?
Bemused once again, I enquired her regarding Cu-T, for which I was told that she had met a Gynaecologist SAY 24 YEARS back to remove the contraceptive, but she was told after P/V EXAMINATION , that the Cu-T is not insitu.Believing the Gynaec's word the lady forgot the issue of Cu-T.
Only, after this recent USG, the issue came to high light.
Since it is a शल्य विषय (Surgical Case) , to remove the कफज घटक (Kaphaja factor) from the संप्राप्ति (Pathogenesis) , I insisted to have a second opinion from another Gyanaecologist . She met a reputed Gynaec working at Kalyani hospital, which is a N.G.O hospital, this time,who amicably did the P/V to clear the benifit of doubt raised in the USG, found that it was embedded in the endometrium, removed it and further cleansed the गर्भाशय (Uterus) with D & C.
After 5 days of having removed the Cu-T, when the patient met me, on 2nd of sep 2010, her नाडी(Pulse) was showing वात -पित्त (vata-pitta).
I never unnecessarily subject my clients to Investigations, for diagnostic purposes, because basically I am a clinician and then the physician. My observation of clinical S & S starts from the very first step of the client into my chamber. But, in this case, the investigation in the form of USG-abdomen, was inevitable in coming to a conclusion of what was obstructing the पित्त (Pitta) , thereby giving an impression of कफ9Kapha) in the नाड़ी(Pulse) . In case, I would have still adviced her some other combination of yogas, sure she might have got some temporary relief but not a complete one, since, the medicines are capable of removing the obstructive कफ but is not capable of removing the Cu-T, which is not a disintegrable substance.
The moral of this case is to explain that - "Investigations are to be used wisely,but not widely" and that it can even sometimes (not many a times, of course ) be interpreted with in the concepts of Ayurveda, as is in the above case.
यह मेरा दिल की बात है , दिल से ले !
लोक संस्था सुखिनो: भवन्तु: ||
सर्वे सन्तु निरामय : ||
She was suffering from अति प्रवृत्ति (excessive Bleeding) during menses associated with mild abdominal colic in the hypogastric region and mild cramps in the gastrocnemius muscle with mild burning sensation along with mild back ache & leucorrhoea.
Negative history of frequent micturition;blood clots; were obtained.
L.M.P -> 25.aug.2010;
M.C -> 7days/10 - 20 days ;
O/E the Rt and Lt. Iliac was non-tenderful ; hypogastric area (http://bit.ly/9KqGS5) -> 2+ tenderful; P.V.Exmn - not done
Her, जिह्वा (Tongue) -->; अनुपलेपिता (Not coated) ; निराम (devoid of ama stage in digestion)
नाड़ी (Pulse) was revealing कफवृता पित्त (विकृत ) (Pathologically revealing Kaphavrta-Vata) & वातपित्त (प्राकृत ) (By constitution it is Vatapittaja).
क्षुधा (Appetite) -> good
मूत्र -> प्राकृत (Urine_normal)
मल -> अकस्मात् विबंधिता , otherwise प्राकृत (Bowels- Occasionally constipated)
स्वेदा - क्षणै: अल्प, क्षणै: अतिप्रवृत्ति since the last 3 months.
औषधि (Medicines) adviced - (सुकुमार कषायं + अशोकरिस्ट + गुग्गुलुतिक्त कषायं at empty stomach; bds) & (शतावरी गुलं - after food; bds).
There was of course a response, but gradual in nature.
The heavy bleeding stopped when she came for her second sitting which was scheduled at 29th of sep 2010, but persisted as spotting.
I got confused since, I was expecting more amount of clots to be expelled out of the system,considering the presence of some fibroids, but which was not the reality.
The bleeding was thin and she had dysmennorrhoea too. The client's age was just at menopausal stage,49 years.
Bemused on not getting the expected result, I advised her Abd.USG,which she took at the Ramakrishna Mutt's charitable Dispensary (Lab attached) at Mylapore, at an affordable cost, and found the COPPER-T, insitu embedded deep inside the endometrium.
How in earth that was possible to get embedded over there, instead of being in the appropriate place where it has to be?
Bemused once again, I enquired her regarding Cu-T, for which I was told that she had met a Gynaecologist SAY 24 YEARS back to remove the contraceptive, but she was told after P/V EXAMINATION , that the Cu-T is not insitu.Believing the Gynaec's word the lady forgot the issue of Cu-T.
Only, after this recent USG, the issue came to high light.
Since it is a शल्य विषय (Surgical Case) , to remove the कफज घटक (Kaphaja factor) from the संप्राप्ति (Pathogenesis) , I insisted to have a second opinion from another Gyanaecologist . She met a reputed Gynaec working at Kalyani hospital, which is a N.G.O hospital, this time,who amicably did the P/V to clear the benifit of doubt raised in the USG, found that it was embedded in the endometrium, removed it and further cleansed the गर्भाशय (Uterus) with D & C.
After 5 days of having removed the Cu-T, when the patient met me, on 2nd of sep 2010, her नाडी(Pulse) was showing वात -पित्त (vata-pitta).
I never unnecessarily subject my clients to Investigations, for diagnostic purposes, because basically I am a clinician and then the physician. My observation of clinical S & S starts from the very first step of the client into my chamber. But, in this case, the investigation in the form of USG-abdomen, was inevitable in coming to a conclusion of what was obstructing the पित्त (Pitta) , thereby giving an impression of कफ9Kapha) in the नाड़ी(Pulse) . In case, I would have still adviced her some other combination of yogas, sure she might have got some temporary relief but not a complete one, since, the medicines are capable of removing the obstructive कफ but is not capable of removing the Cu-T, which is not a disintegrable substance.
The moral of this case is to explain that - "Investigations are to be used wisely,but not widely" and that it can even sometimes (not many a times, of course ) be interpreted with in the concepts of Ayurveda, as is in the above case.
यह मेरा दिल की बात है , दिल से ले !
लोक संस्था सुखिनो: भवन्तु: ||
सर्वे सन्तु निरामय : ||
23 May, 2010
முதுகு தண்டு ஜவ்வு விலகல்-- வர்மா சிகிச்சையின் மூலம் நிவாரணம்
அறிமுக முன்னோட்டம் :-
முதுகு தண்டு ஜவ்வு விலகலை ஆங்கிலத்தில் டிஸ்க் ப்ரோலாப்ஸ் (அ) ஸ்போன்டிலோலிஸ்தேசிஸ் என்று விளிப்பர். 33 எலும்புகள் கூடிய பகுதியை தான் முதுகு தண்டு என அறிகின்றோம்.
ஒவ்வொரு எழும்பின் நடுவிலும் ஜெல்லி போன்ற பசை கொண்ட ஒரு திரவம் (அன்னுளுஸ் புல்போசிஸ் ) காணப்படும். இத்திரவத்தினை சுற்றி பாதுகாப்பு அரணாக அன்னுளுஸ் பிப்ரோசிஸ் எனும் ஜவ்வு போன்ற கடினமான ஒரு அமைப்பு எலும்பின் மேல் பதிந்தவாறு காணப்படும்.
இத்தகைய கடினமான அமைப்புள்ள ஜவ்வானது, கிழிந்து, எலும்பின் மேல் உள்ள தனது பிடிமானத்தை இழக்க கூடிய சந்தர்ப்பத்தில் அன்னுளுஸ் புல்போசிஸ் எனும் திரவமானது அந்த கிழிசலின் வழியாக வெளியேறி, வெர்டிப்ரா எனப்படுகின்ற தண்டு வட எழும்பின் இரு புறங்களிலும், காணத்தக்க ஸயாடிக் நெர்வ் எனும் நரம்பு மண்டலத்தை இடிக்கும் . இந்த திரவம் சிறிது கால கட்டத்திற்கு பின் காய்ந்து தரவ நிலையிலிருந்து மாறி கெட்டியாகி விடும்.
ஸயாடிக் நெர்வ் எனப்படுகின்ற நரம்பு மண்டலம் மேழிருந்து கீழாக இறங்கி இடுப்பு, புட்டம் , தொடை , கண்டஞ்சதை வழியாக பாதத்தின் விரல் நுனிகள் வரை செல்லுகின்றது .
இவ்வாறு செல்லத்தக்க இந்த நரம்பு மண்டலத்தை, ஜவ்வு விழகியதால் வெளி வந்த, கெட்டியாக மாறிய திரவம் இடிக்க, சில ரசாயன மாற்றங்கள் அவ்விடத்திலே நிகழ்ந்து பெரும் துயரம் தரும் வலியினை, நடு முதுகில், உண்டாக்குகின்றது.
அங்ஙனம் நடு முதுகில் தோன்றிய வழியானது,தகுந்த நேரத்தில் மருத்துவம் செய்யாத பட்சத்தில், நாட்பட நாட்பட அதிகமாகி , மேழிருந்து கீழாக இறங்கி இடுப்பு, புட்டம் , தொடை , கண்டஞ்சதை வழியாக பாதத்தின் விரல் நுனிகள் வரை வலியினை கொண்டு செல்கின்றது. இத்தகைய தன்மை வாய்ந்த வலியினையே "ஸயாடிக் பெயின்" என்று அங்கிலத்திலும் "கீழ்வாதம்" என்று தமிழிலும் விழிப்பர்.
ஜவ்வு விலகலுக்கான காரணிகள் :-
* மிதமான (அ) மிகுதியான கழுத்து (அ) முதுகு வலி
எங்களது மருத்துவ நிலையமான சரோஜா பஞ்சகர்மா & வர்மா சிகித்சா சென்டர் -ல் (S.P.K.V.C.C) மர்ம சிகித்சா எனும் வர்மா சிகித்சையுடன் சுஷும்னாவஸ்தி எனும் மரபு மிக்க சிகித்சை முறைகளால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட தண்டு வடம் உள்ள பகுதிகளில் எங்களது மருத்துவர் திரு . மரு(Dr) . ரங்க பிரசாத் பட் (முந்நாள் பேராசிரியர்), அவர்களால் மேற் கொள்ளப்படுகின்றது .
15 நாட்கள் செய்யப்படும் அம்மருத்துவ முறைகளுக்கு பின்னர் முது வலி நன்றாக குணம் அடைகின்றது .
ஏனைய ஆயுர்வேத மருத்துவ முறைகளாகிய பிழிச்சில் , க்ரீவாவஸ்தி , இலைக்கிழி, நவரக்கிழி போன்றவற்றினாலும் அவற்றில் பேதம் உண்டாகின்றது .
"வைய்யகத்தோர் நோயற்ற வாழ்வு வாழியவே "
- Dr.Prof.A.Rangaprasad Bhat,SPKVCC,,Mylapore,Chennai.Mob:- 9841218802
"Let humanity live in peace and health".
“Sarve Janaah Sukhinoh Bhavanthuh ”.
"सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो: भवन्तु:"
"ಸರ್ವೇ ಜನಾಃ ಸುಖಿನೋ: ಭವಂತು:"
"வாழ்க நலமுடன்".
-Prof.Dr.Rangaprasad Bhat.
முதுகு தண்டு ஜவ்வு விலகலை ஆங்கிலத்தில் டிஸ்க் ப்ரோலாப்ஸ் (அ) ஸ்போன்டிலோலிஸ்தேசிஸ் என்று விளிப்பர். 33 எலும்புகள் கூடிய பகுதியை தான் முதுகு தண்டு என அறிகின்றோம்.
ஒவ்வொரு எழும்பின் நடுவிலும் ஜெல்லி போன்ற பசை கொண்ட ஒரு திரவம் (அன்னுளுஸ் புல்போசிஸ் ) காணப்படும். இத்திரவத்தினை சுற்றி பாதுகாப்பு அரணாக அன்னுளுஸ் பிப்ரோசிஸ் எனும் ஜவ்வு போன்ற கடினமான ஒரு அமைப்பு எலும்பின் மேல் பதிந்தவாறு காணப்படும்.
இத்தகைய கடினமான அமைப்புள்ள ஜவ்வானது, கிழிந்து, எலும்பின் மேல் உள்ள தனது பிடிமானத்தை இழக்க கூடிய சந்தர்ப்பத்தில் அன்னுளுஸ் புல்போசிஸ் எனும் திரவமானது அந்த கிழிசலின் வழியாக வெளியேறி, வெர்டிப்ரா எனப்படுகின்ற தண்டு வட எழும்பின் இரு புறங்களிலும், காணத்தக்க ஸயாடிக் நெர்வ் எனும் நரம்பு மண்டலத்தை இடிக்கும் . இந்த திரவம் சிறிது கால கட்டத்திற்கு பின் காய்ந்து தரவ நிலையிலிருந்து மாறி கெட்டியாகி விடும்.
ஸயாடிக் நெர்வ் எனப்படுகின்ற நரம்பு மண்டலம் மேழிருந்து கீழாக இறங்கி இடுப்பு, புட்டம் , தொடை , கண்டஞ்சதை வழியாக பாதத்தின் விரல் நுனிகள் வரை செல்லுகின்றது .
இவ்வாறு செல்லத்தக்க இந்த நரம்பு மண்டலத்தை, ஜவ்வு விழகியதால் வெளி வந்த, கெட்டியாக மாறிய திரவம் இடிக்க, சில ரசாயன மாற்றங்கள் அவ்விடத்திலே நிகழ்ந்து பெரும் துயரம் தரும் வலியினை, நடு முதுகில், உண்டாக்குகின்றது.
அங்ஙனம் நடு முதுகில் தோன்றிய வழியானது,தகுந்த நேரத்தில் மருத்துவம் செய்யாத பட்சத்தில், நாட்பட நாட்பட அதிகமாகி , மேழிருந்து கீழாக இறங்கி இடுப்பு, புட்டம் , தொடை , கண்டஞ்சதை வழியாக பாதத்தின் விரல் நுனிகள் வரை வலியினை கொண்டு செல்கின்றது. இத்தகைய தன்மை வாய்ந்த வலியினையே "ஸயாடிக் பெயின்" என்று அங்கிலத்திலும் "கீழ்வாதம்" என்று தமிழிலும் விழிப்பர்.
ஜவ்வு விலகலுக்கான காரணிகள் :-
*மிகுந்த அயற்சி தரும் கடின வேலைகளை செய்தல்
* அதிக நேரம் உட்கார்ந்து வேலைப் பார்த்தல்
ஜவ்வு விலகக் கூடிய பொதுவான இடங்கள் :-*அளவுக்கு அதிகமான பாரம் உள்ள பொருட்களை குனிந்து தூக்குதல் போன்ற காரணங்களினால் முதிகில் உள்ள அழுத்த நிலை குறைந்து ஜவ்வு பிசகி பல்போசஸ் விலகும்.
* CERVICAL (செர்விகல் ) எனும் கழுத்து பகுதி
* தொரசிக் (தொராசிக் ) எனும் நெஞ்சுக் கூட்டுப் பகுதி
ஜவ்வு விலகலினால் ஏற்படக்கொடிய அறிகுறிகள் :-* LUMBAR (லம்பார்) எனும் கீழ் முதுகு (அ) இடுப்புப் பகுதி.
* மிதமான (அ) மிகுதியான கழுத்து (அ) முதுகு வலி
* சில சமயம் முதுகு வேதனை தவிர்த்த முழங்கால் (அ) கணுக்கால் (அ) பாதத்தில் வேதனை
* உணர்ச்சி சம்பந்தமான குறிகள் , அதாவது மரத்தல், எரிச்சல், தசைத்தளர்ச்சி முதலானவை
* தசைப்பிடிப்பு,
* முதுகிலிருந்து கால் பாதம் வரை மிகுந்த வேதனை
* நடக்கையில் முழங்கால் பலம் இல்லாது மடங்கி விடுவது போன்ற உணர்வு
* தலை சுற்றல் , நெஞ்சு படபடப்பு , மார் வலி , தோள் பட்டை வலி , முழங்கை மற்றும் கை விரல்கள் வலி போன்றவை கழுத்தில் ஜவ்வு விலகும் பட்சத்தில் ஏற்படக்கூடிய குறிகள்
ஆயுர்வேதத்தில் ஜவ்வு விலகலுக்கான மருத்துவ முறை :-* விலா எழும்பில் வலி அல்லது பிடிப்பு ,இடுப்பு பிடிப்பு போன்றவை நெஞ்சுக் கூட்டுப் பகுதியில் ஜவ்வு விலகும் பட்சத்தில் ஏற்படக்கூடிய குறிகள் .
எங்களது மருத்துவ நிலையமான சரோஜா பஞ்சகர்மா & வர்மா சிகித்சா சென்டர் -ல் (S.P.K.V.C.C) மர்ம சிகித்சா எனும் வர்மா சிகித்சையுடன் சுஷும்னாவஸ்தி எனும் மரபு மிக்க சிகித்சை முறைகளால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட தண்டு வடம் உள்ள பகுதிகளில் எங்களது மருத்துவர் திரு . மரு(Dr) . ரங்க பிரசாத் பட் (முந்நாள் பேராசிரியர்), அவர்களால் மேற் கொள்ளப்படுகின்றது .
15 நாட்கள் செய்யப்படும் அம்மருத்துவ முறைகளுக்கு பின்னர் முது வலி நன்றாக குணம் அடைகின்றது .
ஏனைய ஆயுர்வேத மருத்துவ முறைகளாகிய பிழிச்சில் , க்ரீவாவஸ்தி , இலைக்கிழி, நவரக்கிழி போன்றவற்றினாலும் அவற்றில் பேதம் உண்டாகின்றது .
"வைய்யகத்தோர் நோயற்ற வாழ்வு வாழியவே "
- Dr.Prof.A.Rangaprasad Bhat,SPKVCC,,Mylapore,Chennai.Mob:- 9841218802
"Let humanity live in peace and health".
“Sarve Janaah Sukhinoh Bhavanthuh ”.
"सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो: भवन्तु:"
"ಸರ್ವೇ ಜನಾಃ ಸುಖಿನೋ: ಭವಂತು:"
"வாழ்க நலமுடன்".
-Prof.Dr.Rangaprasad Bhat.
Definition of Venous Ulcer / Varicose Ulcer :-
Venous ulcers (stasis ulcer or varicose ulcers) are wounds that are thought to occur due to improper functioning of valves in the veins usually of the legs. They are the major cause of chronic wounds, occurring in 70% to 90% of chronic wound cases.[1] Venous ulcers develop mostly along the medial distal leg, and can be very painful.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venous_ulcer
Pathophysiology :-
The exact etiology of venous ulcers is not certain, but they are thought to arise when venous valves that exist to prevent backflow of blood do not function properly, causing the pressure in veins to increase.[2][3][4][5] The body needs the pressure gradient between arteries and veins in order for the heart to pump blood forward through arteries and into veins. When venous hypertension exists, arteries no longer have significantly higher pressure than veins, blood is not pumped as effectively into or out of the area, and it pools.
Venous hypertension may also stretch veins and allow blood proteins to leak into the extravascular space, isolating extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules and growth factors, preventing them from helping to heal the wound.[2][5] Leakage of fibrinogen from veins as well as deficiencies in fibrinolysis may also cause fibrin to build up around the vessels, preventing oxygen and nutrients from reaching cells. Venous insufficiency may also cause white blood cells (leukocytes) to accumulate in small blood vessels, releasing inflammatory factors and reactive oxygen species (ROS, free radicals) and further contributing to chronic wound formation.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venous_ulcer#Pathophysiology
A case of Venous Ulcer/ Varicose ulcer treated at S.P.K.V.C.C :
In 30th of April 2010, an elderly gentleman named Mr.K.K Nair, aged 72 years met our chief physician, Prof.Dr.Ranga Prasad Bhat, in the clinic, presenting with 2 ulcers near the dorsal crease of the Right ankle, both of which was 1cm breadth x 1cm width, with sloping edge devoid of any granulation tissues and filled with pus & bloody discharge. He further had another venous ulcer in the medial aspect of the Right Ankle, 1 cm below the medial malleolus, measuring 2cm breadth x 2cm width, with sloping edge devoid of granulation tissue.
Further more, he had intense itching in the vicinity of the areas with ulcer associated with deep and excruciating pain. The pain was excruciating in nature due to the fact that the ulcer was much deep (nearly 8 mm). He had no history of Hypertension or Diabetes, nor even any cardiac pathologies.But, his nature of job is such that, he was required to sit for a longer time (hanging his forelegs down), devoid of any physical activities.
Dr.Bhat adviced him the following medications along with a specific foot exercise, since the patient does not walk much.
1) P.K.Asavam -Internal usage
2) V.M.Rasayanam -Internal usage
3) Jathyadi thailam -External Application
4) R.S capsule -External Application
Foot Exercise :- Dr.Bhat thought that it would be appropriate to advice the patient to do a foot exercise simulating the walking process, so that the stagnated venous blood causing congestion locally can be dispelled and displaced from that area and get circulated.
Method advised :- The client was asked to stand facing the wall and place his hands over the wall, so as to prevent falling due to imbalance while doing the procedure. Later,he was asked to raise his body with the tip of all toes together, so that the foot is hyper extended. By doing so the muscle in the lower leg below knee gets compressed and the venous blood flows higher into the next compartment.
(Basic Physiology of Venous Circulation :- one-way valves direct the flow of venous blood upward and inward. Blood is collected in superficial venous capillaries, flows into larger superficial veins, and eventually passes through valves into the deep veins and then centrally to the heart and lungs. Superficial veins are suprafascial, while deep veins are within the muscle fascia. Perforating veins allow blood to pass from the superficial veins into the deep system.Within muscle compartments, muscular contraction compresses deep veins and causes a pumping action that can produce transient deep venous pressures as high as 5 atmospheres. Deep veins can withstand this pressure because of their construction and because their confining fascia prevents them from becoming excessively distended.)
Image taken on 30th April 2010 showing venous ulcer on medial asp of ankle joint
Image taken on 30th April showing venous ulcer on dorsal asp of ankle joint
Observation :-
Two days after starting the treatment, Mr.Nair responded well to the medicines, thereby showing signs of control in the formation of pus. As a result of foot exercise,which he did religiously 20 times in a day,he was nearly 80% relieved from the excruciating pain and there was much considerable reduction in the oedema near the ankle joint.
And on the seventh day of treatment (i.e 07 may 2010) the ulcers in the dorsal aspect of foot got completely healed, where as the one in the medial aspect has partially healed and is still to be covered with external layers of skin, which can be clearly seen from the images given below.
Image taken on 07th of May showing venous ulcer on dorsal asp of ankle joint
Image taken on07th of May showing venous ulcer on dorsal asp of ankle joint
Conclusion :-
It becomes apparently evident by the above case, that Varicose Ulcers can be healed with Ayurveda medicines and treatment methods at a quicker rate of healing. Even though the medicines given by Dr.Bhat has considerably given a quicker relief in this particular client, the Dr. humbly owes the credit to Mr.K.K.Nair, saying that it was his highest co-operation given during the treatment, that has made the healing of ulcer faster, by following the advices given religiously.
Hail Ayurveda.
The journey of explaining Ayurveda will continue in the up coming posts
Warm regards to all those who read this.
"Let humanity live in peace and health".
“Sarve Janaah Sukhinoh Bhavanthuh ”.
"सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो: भवन्तु:"
"ಸರ್ವೇ ಜನಾಃ ಸುಖಿನೋ: ಭವಂತು:"
"வாழ்க நலமுடன்".
-Prof.Dr.Rangaprasad Bhat.
Venous ulcers (stasis ulcer or varicose ulcers) are wounds that are thought to occur due to improper functioning of valves in the veins usually of the legs. They are the major cause of chronic wounds, occurring in 70% to 90% of chronic wound cases.[1] Venous ulcers develop mostly along the medial distal leg, and can be very painful.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venous_ulcer
Pathophysiology :-
The exact etiology of venous ulcers is not certain, but they are thought to arise when venous valves that exist to prevent backflow of blood do not function properly, causing the pressure in veins to increase.[2][3][4][5] The body needs the pressure gradient between arteries and veins in order for the heart to pump blood forward through arteries and into veins. When venous hypertension exists, arteries no longer have significantly higher pressure than veins, blood is not pumped as effectively into or out of the area, and it pools.
Venous hypertension may also stretch veins and allow blood proteins to leak into the extravascular space, isolating extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules and growth factors, preventing them from helping to heal the wound.[2][5] Leakage of fibrinogen from veins as well as deficiencies in fibrinolysis may also cause fibrin to build up around the vessels, preventing oxygen and nutrients from reaching cells. Venous insufficiency may also cause white blood cells (leukocytes) to accumulate in small blood vessels, releasing inflammatory factors and reactive oxygen species (ROS, free radicals) and further contributing to chronic wound formation.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venous_ulcer#Pathophysiology
A case of Venous Ulcer/ Varicose ulcer treated at S.P.K.V.C.C :
In 30th of April 2010, an elderly gentleman named Mr.K.K Nair, aged 72 years met our chief physician, Prof.Dr.Ranga Prasad Bhat, in the clinic, presenting with 2 ulcers near the dorsal crease of the Right ankle, both of which was 1cm breadth x 1cm width, with sloping edge devoid of any granulation tissues and filled with pus & bloody discharge. He further had another venous ulcer in the medial aspect of the Right Ankle, 1 cm below the medial malleolus, measuring 2cm breadth x 2cm width, with sloping edge devoid of granulation tissue.
Further more, he had intense itching in the vicinity of the areas with ulcer associated with deep and excruciating pain. The pain was excruciating in nature due to the fact that the ulcer was much deep (nearly 8 mm). He had no history of Hypertension or Diabetes, nor even any cardiac pathologies.But, his nature of job is such that, he was required to sit for a longer time (hanging his forelegs down), devoid of any physical activities.
Dr.Bhat adviced him the following medications along with a specific foot exercise, since the patient does not walk much.
1) P.K.Asavam -Internal usage
2) V.M.Rasayanam -Internal usage
3) Jathyadi thailam -External Application
4) R.S capsule -External Application
Foot Exercise :- Dr.Bhat thought that it would be appropriate to advice the patient to do a foot exercise simulating the walking process, so that the stagnated venous blood causing congestion locally can be dispelled and displaced from that area and get circulated.
Method advised :- The client was asked to stand facing the wall and place his hands over the wall, so as to prevent falling due to imbalance while doing the procedure. Later,he was asked to raise his body with the tip of all toes together, so that the foot is hyper extended. By doing so the muscle in the lower leg below knee gets compressed and the venous blood flows higher into the next compartment.
(Basic Physiology of Venous Circulation :- one-way valves direct the flow of venous blood upward and inward. Blood is collected in superficial venous capillaries, flows into larger superficial veins, and eventually passes through valves into the deep veins and then centrally to the heart and lungs. Superficial veins are suprafascial, while deep veins are within the muscle fascia. Perforating veins allow blood to pass from the superficial veins into the deep system.Within muscle compartments, muscular contraction compresses deep veins and causes a pumping action that can produce transient deep venous pressures as high as 5 atmospheres. Deep veins can withstand this pressure because of their construction and because their confining fascia prevents them from becoming excessively distended.)
Image taken on 30th April 2010 showing venous ulcer on medial asp of ankle joint
Observation :-
Two days after starting the treatment, Mr.Nair responded well to the medicines, thereby showing signs of control in the formation of pus. As a result of foot exercise,which he did religiously 20 times in a day,he was nearly 80% relieved from the excruciating pain and there was much considerable reduction in the oedema near the ankle joint.
And on the seventh day of treatment (i.e 07 may 2010) the ulcers in the dorsal aspect of foot got completely healed, where as the one in the medial aspect has partially healed and is still to be covered with external layers of skin, which can be clearly seen from the images given below.
Image taken on 07th of May showing venous ulcer on dorsal asp of ankle joint
Image taken on07th of May showing venous ulcer on dorsal asp of ankle joint
Conclusion :-
It becomes apparently evident by the above case, that Varicose Ulcers can be healed with Ayurveda medicines and treatment methods at a quicker rate of healing. Even though the medicines given by Dr.Bhat has considerably given a quicker relief in this particular client, the Dr. humbly owes the credit to Mr.K.K.Nair, saying that it was his highest co-operation given during the treatment, that has made the healing of ulcer faster, by following the advices given religiously.
Hail Ayurveda.
The journey of explaining Ayurveda will continue in the up coming posts
Warm regards to all those who read this.
"Let humanity live in peace and health".
“Sarve Janaah Sukhinoh Bhavanthuh ”.
"सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो: भवन्तु:"
"ಸರ್ವೇ ಜನಾಃ ಸುಖಿನೋ: ಭವಂತು:"
"வாழ்க நலமுடன்".
-Prof.Dr.Rangaprasad Bhat.
28 November, 2009
The patients with irritable bowel syndrome or other wise I.B.S, approaching me have many a times been such persons who were exposed to a lot of stress, with irregular food timings, and people who often eat food items prepared in hotels or restaurants.
Irritable_bowel_syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder.
I am hereby listing the symptoms complained by the patients of IBS, to me.
- About 70 % of my clients complain of Alternating bowel habits (say diarrhea alternating with constipation)
- Otherwise with inconsistent formation of stools, usually referred in layman's language as pasty stools - nearly 60%
- Increase frequency of passing stools- (say 3 to 5 times a day) nearly 40%
- Difficulty in evacuating the stools completely. (technically referred as tenesmus- i.e ineffectual urging or evacuation of stools) nearly 50%
- Mild low back ache or (this may be due to some fibromyalgic changes occurring at the low back) nearly 30%
- Mild head ache while passing the bowels (due to increased intra cranial pressure caused by the strain in evacuating the bowels ) nearly 10%
- Many of them feel extremely exhausted and tired on completion of the bowel movements, almost felt in nearly 80% of my clients, specifically speaking of which 60% of the elderly patients very often complain of this symptom
- Sensation of something worm like moving inside the abdomen causing gar-bur sounds.( which is technically called Borborygmi )
- About 4 cases of women, who had Polycystic ovarian disease too had complaints similar to IBS other than that of PCOD. Of which 2 cases responded well to the Ayurveda medicines with respect to both PCOD & IBS, where as the other two did not respond, hence they were REFERRED to a GYNAEC SURGEON for getting operated for PCOD, after which they got completely relieved from IBS.
- Nearly 75% of cases of IBS come across by me, had this bloating of abdomen as their symptom. Such clients, always felt that they do not feel like eating because of 2 reasons. The first one being they feel satiated with a few morsels of food and the second reason is that they feel like evacuating their bowels when ever they have meals specifically when served hot ( this may be because of the stimulation of the vagus nerve , which controls the majority of the gastro intestinal structures starting from mouth to the anus)
- Last but not the least, nearly 60% of the clients complain of some sort of lower abdominal discomfort in the form of pain or cramps.
- The worst of all these symptoms is, blood in the stools, nearly 30 % of my patients complain of this. It is this particular symptom very often confuses a physician in making a proper diagnosis,that too specifically when he could not get proper co-operation from the patient in the form of explanation of the complete details of his problem while taking the history of his case.One cannot ignore this symptom, caused due to the ulcerations in the colon,technically referred as Ulcerative Colitis. In spite of being sure that the cause for bleeding might be an ulceration in the colon, considering the importance of eliminating the doubt with relevance to the incidence of carcinoma of colon as the cause, it become some times un avoidable for a physician to advice the patient to undergo, Colonoscopy, that too specifically speaking when the patient do not respond to any sort of haemostatic drugs(medicines which control the bleeding) he is subjected to. I usually do not prefer subjecting my patients to unnecessary investigations, but I had to advice 3 of my cases with such a case of uncontrollable rectal bleeding. Fortunately of which one case was not of carcinogenic bleeding, but the other two was suffering from Rectal cancer and Malignant polyp in colon. These two cases were referred to an Oncologist for further clinical evaluations. Luckily, I was able to help those two clients, by god's grace in a very short period of time (say 5 to 10 days of meeting myself) .
- A Kashayam prepared with nearly 12 herbal drugs of which one of the ingredient is curry leaves
- A capsule prepared with Thrivrth as one of it's ingredients. Thrivrth alone when taken acts as a laxative but when taken with the combination of certain other drugs helps in alleviating the irritation caused in the bowels.
- A tablet prepared with garlic processed with juices of fruits like pomegranate, the process of preparing this medicine takes nearly 12 days to complete.
Tenesmus was felt in 60 patients amongst the total of 120 cases selected for this study. It is to be noted that these 120 cases gave a frequent feed back, with out which this study would have not been possible.Amongst these 60 patients, tenesmus got controlled with in --10 days in 40 cases
15 days in 14 cases;
20 days in 06 cases.
Bloating of abdomen was felt in 62 patients amongst 120 cases, of which it got controlled with in--
5 days in 20 cases
10 days in 28 cases
15 days in 14 cases
Alternating bowel habit(diarrhoea alternating with constipation) was felt in 50 patients amongst the
total of 120 cases,which got controlled with in -- 05 days in 20 cases
10 days in 12 cases
15 days in 18 cases
Frequency of bowels were observed in 33 patients amongst the 120 cases,
which got controlled with in ................. -- 10 days in 13 cases
1 month in 16 cases
1 to 2 month in 4 cases
Amongst the 50 cases out of 120 cases, lower abdominal pain was observed, almost in all cases the colic got controlled with in 2 to 6 days of medication.
Blood in stools were found to be present in 25 cases amongst the total of 120, of which
the bleeding got arrested with in .............. 3 days in 18 cases
5 days in 5 cases
bleeding was on and off
in 2 cases.
Tiredness was observed to be present in 67 patients amongst the 120 cases considered for this study,
of which it got controlled with in 3 weeks in 36 cases
4 to 6 weeks in 31 cases
Conclusion : In all the above cases that underwent treatment for IBS with the above medicines, the quality of life improved for the next 1 to 2 years, during which period they were either totally asymptomatic, or with much lesser degree of symptoms. This 3 year long study of IBS, thus makes one thing for sure that it is Yapya (controllable when under medication but not completely curable) as said by the ancient sages while describing the prognosis of Grahani ( Irritable bowel syndrome).
I hope this blog of mine, gives hope in the mind of readers regarding the efficacy of improving the quality of the life in persons, suffering from, the most annoying and trouble some disease of the stress filled modern era, the IBS.
I owe all the credit in giving relief to the above cases to the lotus feet of the Almighty.
Warm regards to all those who read this.
"Let humanity live in peace and health".
“Sarve Janaah Sukhinoh Bhavanthuh ”.
"सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो: भवन्तु:"
"ಸರ್ವೇ ಜನಾಃ ಸುಖಿನೋ: ಭವಂತು:"
"வாழ்க நலமுடன்".
-Prof.Dr.Rangaprasad Bhat.
23 July, 2009
Is Ayurveda competent with Allopathy in giving QUICK relief to the patients?
The above question validly runs in the mind of many a people. There is a myth in the mind of people that Ayurveda is a slow acting system of medicine. But, it is not the fact.
In my previous posts I have clarified how we Ayurveda physicians decide in selecting an appropriate medicine for a particular disease. Other than Pancha maha bhoothas, we take into consideration of other factors like the Tridosha (3 vitiators); Trimala (3 excretas); Sapta Dhatu (7 Tissue elements); Avarana avrta (blockage of one particular dosha by another particular dosha in its channel); Rasa (Taste propria), Virya (potency) & Vipaka (end product after digestion) of the medicinal herbs selected etc.,
Say for example, in case of Acute or chronic Bronchitis, wherein the patient presents with difficulty in breathing, productive or non productive cough(i.e. with sputum or with out sputum), malaise(generalized body ache) with or with out sub acute fever etc., - according to Ayurveda, the doshas involved are vata & kapha, the dhatus involved are Rasa (Lymph). More over the channels of Prana vayu (Vital energy in the form of air) are obstructed by the accumulation of kapha in the form of vitiated phlegm. At such a circumstance an Ayurvedic physician will have to select an appropriate medicine which contains the herbs with the guna, Virya and Vipaka opposite to that of the factors involved in causing the bronchitis.
It would be appropriate to explain hence forth. The gunas of Kapha are Sheeta cold in potency), Drava (liquidity) etc., the phlegm with such characteristics gets solidified in the channels of the bronchus or bronchioles thus causing an obstruction to the pathway of air. And since the air is not able to reach the alveoli in sufficient quantity, due to less amount of oxygen reaching the alveoli, the person gasps in want of oxygen. This causes the difficulty in breathing. We will have to understand one fact that it is in the alveoli, the diffusion and exchange of gases in the form of oxygen or carbon-di-oxide takes place. Only hence the alveoli are also called as the functional unit of Lungs.
Now having made one to understand the pathology of Bronchitis as per our science, let me help how the Ayurveda medicines in this case will give a quick relief and what is the proportionate amount of relief being given by allopathy medicines.
Medicinal preparations like lehyams; kashayams; aristams; asavas; churnams; vatis etc., prescribed by an Ayurvedic physician will surely contain one or more than one of the following herbs like Piper longum; Piper nigrum; Pushkaramoola; Kanaka; trikatu etc., All these drugs are Usna (hot) in potency and are capable of penetrating deeper in to the kapha obstructed channels (teekshna). By the above qualities, those herbs start liquefying the kapha immediately and tries to bring out the vitiated phlegm from the affected system of our body, it also cause broncho-dilatation (slight & temporary broadening of the diameter of the bronchus) thereby quickly establishes the patency of the airway. Whence an airway is cleared of the obstruction, the air flows freely in and out, thereby giving immediate relief to the patient from dyspnoea.
Where as allopathy medicine always thinks of counteracting the infection by means of anti-biotics & some broncho-dilators trying to create a patent airway, but nevertheless thinks of eliminating the phlegm, thereby leaving some amount of dampened base in the form of phlegm. This left over base, becomes a source of reproduction for the aerobic (requires oxygen to reproduce) or anaerobic (do not require oxygen to reproduce) organisms responsible for recurrence of the bronchitis, in the near future.
Practically speaking, there have been instances of giving a quicker relief to the patients of Bronchitis in my clinical career who are living healthily with a very less chances of recurrence. And this particular fact made me to think of enlightening and sharing the experience with everybody in the universe. I hope the above post of mine would have eliminated the doubts creeping in the mind of many a people regarding the action potential of Ayurveda medicines.
Hail Ayurveda.
The journey of explaining Ayurveda will continue in the up coming posts
Warm regards to all those who read this.
"Let humanity live in peace and health".
“Sarve Janaah Sukhinoh Bhavanthuh ”.
"सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो: भवन्तु:"
"ಸರ್ವೇ ಜನಾಃ ಸುಖಿನೋ: ಭವಂತು:"
"வாழ்க நலமுடன்".
-Prof.Dr.Rangaprasad Bhat.
In my previous posts I have clarified how we Ayurveda physicians decide in selecting an appropriate medicine for a particular disease. Other than Pancha maha bhoothas, we take into consideration of other factors like the Tridosha (3 vitiators); Trimala (3 excretas); Sapta Dhatu (7 Tissue elements); Avarana avrta (blockage of one particular dosha by another particular dosha in its channel); Rasa (Taste propria), Virya (potency) & Vipaka (end product after digestion) of the medicinal herbs selected etc.,
Say for example, in case of Acute or chronic Bronchitis, wherein the patient presents with difficulty in breathing, productive or non productive cough(i.e. with sputum or with out sputum), malaise(generalized body ache) with or with out sub acute fever etc., - according to Ayurveda, the doshas involved are vata & kapha, the dhatus involved are Rasa (Lymph). More over the channels of Prana vayu (Vital energy in the form of air) are obstructed by the accumulation of kapha in the form of vitiated phlegm. At such a circumstance an Ayurvedic physician will have to select an appropriate medicine which contains the herbs with the guna, Virya and Vipaka opposite to that of the factors involved in causing the bronchitis.
It would be appropriate to explain hence forth. The gunas of Kapha are Sheeta cold in potency), Drava (liquidity) etc., the phlegm with such characteristics gets solidified in the channels of the bronchus or bronchioles thus causing an obstruction to the pathway of air. And since the air is not able to reach the alveoli in sufficient quantity, due to less amount of oxygen reaching the alveoli, the person gasps in want of oxygen. This causes the difficulty in breathing. We will have to understand one fact that it is in the alveoli, the diffusion and exchange of gases in the form of oxygen or carbon-di-oxide takes place. Only hence the alveoli are also called as the functional unit of Lungs.
Now having made one to understand the pathology of Bronchitis as per our science, let me help how the Ayurveda medicines in this case will give a quick relief and what is the proportionate amount of relief being given by allopathy medicines.
Medicinal preparations like lehyams; kashayams; aristams; asavas; churnams; vatis etc., prescribed by an Ayurvedic physician will surely contain one or more than one of the following herbs like Piper longum; Piper nigrum; Pushkaramoola; Kanaka; trikatu etc., All these drugs are Usna (hot) in potency and are capable of penetrating deeper in to the kapha obstructed channels (teekshna). By the above qualities, those herbs start liquefying the kapha immediately and tries to bring out the vitiated phlegm from the affected system of our body, it also cause broncho-dilatation (slight & temporary broadening of the diameter of the bronchus) thereby quickly establishes the patency of the airway. Whence an airway is cleared of the obstruction, the air flows freely in and out, thereby giving immediate relief to the patient from dyspnoea.
Where as allopathy medicine always thinks of counteracting the infection by means of anti-biotics & some broncho-dilators trying to create a patent airway, but nevertheless thinks of eliminating the phlegm, thereby leaving some amount of dampened base in the form of phlegm. This left over base, becomes a source of reproduction for the aerobic (requires oxygen to reproduce) or anaerobic (do not require oxygen to reproduce) organisms responsible for recurrence of the bronchitis, in the near future.
Practically speaking, there have been instances of giving a quicker relief to the patients of Bronchitis in my clinical career who are living healthily with a very less chances of recurrence. And this particular fact made me to think of enlightening and sharing the experience with everybody in the universe. I hope the above post of mine would have eliminated the doubts creeping in the mind of many a people regarding the action potential of Ayurveda medicines.
Hail Ayurveda.
The journey of explaining Ayurveda will continue in the up coming posts
Warm regards to all those who read this.
"Let humanity live in peace and health".
“Sarve Janaah Sukhinoh Bhavanthuh ”.
"सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो: भवन्तु:"
"ಸರ್ವೇ ಜನಾಃ ಸುಖಿನೋ: ಭವಂತು:"
"வாழ்க நலமுடன்".
-Prof.Dr.Rangaprasad Bhat.
19 July, 2009
Dietary Regimens In Ayurveda- Myths & Facts
The word Pathya refers to the foods and regimens that which are to be followed by a patient when under treatment, where as the word Apathya refers to the foods and regimens to be avoided when under treatment.
Many a patients under Ayurvedic treatment, think that the Pathya and Apathya advised by the doctors are solely for the purpose of avoiding any drug interaction with the ayurvedic medicines.They feel that if they do not follow Pathya , the medicine may cause some or the other side effects in their body.Actually it is not so, but is a myth in the minds of the people.
The very fact is that, say for example if the doctor or Vaidhya insists to avoid spicy and oily food in a person suffering from G.E.R.D; hyper-acidity; Irritable bowel Syndrome; Ulcerative colitis; Peptic ulcer etc.,it is being said considering the nature and intensity of those diseases concerned. When a person suffering from any of the above diseases, if indulges in the spicy or oily food they aggravate the agony of the patient.
When we are under some medication, be it ayurvedic or allopathic or homeopathic for a particular disease,and simultaneously if indulge in foods that which will aggravate the pathology of the disease with which we are suffering, the very purpose of eradicating the disease gets negated.
In the sense primarily when the medicines try to cure the disease, indulging in Apathyas, aggravates the disease process, thereby giving no relief to the patient. But instead if he follows the pathya and apathya as advised by the physician,it is for sure that he will get a quicker rate of relief from his disease entity.
Warm regards to all those who read this.
"Let humanity live in peace and health".
“Sarve Janaah Sukhinoh Bhavanthuh ”.
"सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो: भवन्तु:"
"ಸರ್ವೇ ಜನಾಃ ಸುಖಿನೋ: ಭವಂತು:"
"வாழ்க நலமுடன்".
-Prof.Dr.Rangaprasad Bhat.
Many a patients under Ayurvedic treatment, think that the Pathya and Apathya advised by the doctors are solely for the purpose of avoiding any drug interaction with the ayurvedic medicines.They feel that if they do not follow Pathya , the medicine may cause some or the other side effects in their body.Actually it is not so, but is a myth in the minds of the people.
The very fact is that, say for example if the doctor or Vaidhya insists to avoid spicy and oily food in a person suffering from G.E.R.D; hyper-acidity; Irritable bowel Syndrome; Ulcerative colitis; Peptic ulcer etc.,it is being said considering the nature and intensity of those diseases concerned. When a person suffering from any of the above diseases, if indulges in the spicy or oily food they aggravate the agony of the patient.
When we are under some medication, be it ayurvedic or allopathic or homeopathic for a particular disease,and simultaneously if indulge in foods that which will aggravate the pathology of the disease with which we are suffering, the very purpose of eradicating the disease gets negated.
In the sense primarily when the medicines try to cure the disease, indulging in Apathyas, aggravates the disease process, thereby giving no relief to the patient. But instead if he follows the pathya and apathya as advised by the physician,it is for sure that he will get a quicker rate of relief from his disease entity.
Warm regards to all those who read this.
"Let humanity live in peace and health".
“Sarve Janaah Sukhinoh Bhavanthuh ”.
"सर्वे जनाः सुखिनो: भवन्तु:"
"ಸರ್ವೇ ಜನಾಃ ಸುಖಿನೋ: ಭವಂತು:"
"வாழ்க நலமுடன்".
-Prof.Dr.Rangaprasad Bhat.
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