
26 October, 2010

Proper Usage of Investigation at proper time is what is the need of the hour for an Ayurveda Physician. दिल से ले !

The case which I recently handled (from 14.sep.2010) is quite interesting,a one.

She was suffering from अति प्रवृत्ति (excessive Bleeding) during menses associated with mild abdominal colic in the hypogastric region and mild cramps in the gastrocnemius muscle with mild burning sensation along with mild back ache & leucorrhoea.

Negative history of frequent micturition;blood clots; were obtained.

L.M.P -> 25.aug.2010;
M.C -> 7days/10 - 20 days ;

O/E the Rt and Lt. Iliac was non-tenderful ; hypogastric area ( -> 2+ tenderful; P.V.Exmn - not done

Her, जिह्वा (Tongue) -->; अनुपलेपिता (Not coated) ; निराम (devoid of ama stage in digestion)

नाड़ी (Pulse) was revealing कफवृता पित्त (विकृत ) (Pathologically revealing Kaphavrta-Vata) & वातपित्त (प्राकृत ) (By constitution it is Vatapittaja).
(Appetite) -> good

मूत्र -> प्राकृत (Urine_normal)

मल -> अकस्मात् विबंधिता , otherwise प्राकृत (Bowels- Occasionally constipated)

स्वेदा - क्षणै: अल्प, क्षणै: अतिप्रवृत्ति since the last 3 months.

औषधि (Medicines) adviced - (सुकुमार कषायं + अशोकरिस्ट + गुग्गुलुतिक्त कषायं at empty stomach; bds) & (शतावरी गुलं - after food; bds).

There was of course a response, but gradual in nature.

The heavy bleeding stopped when she came for her second sitting which was scheduled at 29th of sep 2010, but persisted as spotting.

I got confused since, I was expecting more amount of clots to be expelled out of the system,considering the presence of some fibroids, but which was not the reality.

The bleeding was thin and she had dysmennorrhoea too. The client's age was just at menopausal stage,49 years.

Bemused on not getting the expected result, I advised her Abd.USG,which she took at the Ramakrishna Mutt's charitable Dispensary (Lab attached) at Mylapore, at an affordable cost, and found the COPPER-T, insitu embedded deep inside the endometrium.
How in earth that was possible to get embedded over there, instead of being in the appropriate place where it has to be?

Bemused once again, I enquired her regarding Cu-T, for which I was told that she had met a Gynaecologist SAY 24 YEARS back to remove the contraceptive, but she was told after P/V EXAMINATION , that the Cu-T is not insitu.Believing the Gynaec's word the lady forgot the issue of Cu-T.
Only, after this recent USG, the issue came to high light.

Since it is a शल्य विषय (Surgical Case) , to remove the कफज घटक (Kaphaja factor) from the संप्राप्ति (Pathogenesis) , I insisted to have a second opinion from another Gyanaecologist . She met a reputed Gynaec working at Kalyani hospital, which is a N.G.O hospital, this time,who amicably did the P/V to clear the benifit of doubt raised in the USG, found that it was embedded in the endometrium, removed it and further cleansed the गर्भाशय (Uterus) with D & C.

After 5 days of having removed the Cu-T, when the patient met me, on 2nd of sep 2010, her नाडी(Pulse) was showing वात -पित्त (vata-pitta).

I never unnecessarily subject my clients to Investigations, for diagnostic purposes, because basically I am a clinician and then the physician. My observation of clinical S & S starts from the very first step of the client into my chamber. But, in this case, the investigation in the form of USG-abdomen, was inevitable in coming to a conclusion of what was obstructing the पित्त (Pitta) , thereby giving an impression of कफ9Kapha) in the नाड़ी(Pulse) . In case, I would have still adviced her some other combination of yogas, sure she might have got some temporary relief but not a complete one, since, the medicines are capable of removing the obstructive कफ but is not capable of removing the Cu-T, which is not a disintegrable substance.

The moral of this case is to explain that - "Investigations are to be used wisely,but not widely" and that it can even sometimes (not many a times, of course ) be interpreted with in the concepts of Ayurveda, as is in the above case.

यह मेरा दिल की बात है ,  दिल से ले !

लोक संस्था सुखिनो: भवन्तु: ||

सर्वे सन्तु निरामय : ||

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